Monday, February 25, 2013

Listen to Sounds

Sitting in the living room:
Barking, wind in the fireplace, ringing in ears,
ticking clock, pops and cracks of house, pages turning,
Rob's exhale, heater coming on and running,
crinkling page, distant car sounds
Driving home:
Car sounds, birds, wind, clicks and ticks inside car
Water gurgling, drain sounds

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Gratitude at the End of the Day

Visit with JG at potluck
TS was at church
Interesting visitors in Elephant Class
R's surprise installation in the garage
Successful start to garage clean-out
Sawyer's greeting when I picked him up at school
"I love him so much!" Sawyer of Caleb
Connecting with Debi via smART
Comfort of home
Z's firm, yet gentle touch with Sawyer
Clean, sweet-smelling sheets
Volunteer appeared to assist at book drop-off
United Market Street for a real shopping experience
A car that works
Phone call from Z as confirmation of "next"
Baron Batch's ART in the newspaper
Long chat with forever friend, Mary
Best job interview ever!
Friends that show mercy
No major dust storm
Good buys
Sweet family mementos
A new job
Fun time with Gay
Lunch with Christy
Shopping Trip
Good news to share with friends
Welcome letter from Jahan
A nap while Sawyer didn't
Giving in to what was
Bubble fun at the BBB
Rob's support and release re job
Laughing at the kicking cat with Sawyer

Monday, February 11, 2013

Mindfulness of Posture

Awareness at computer of needing to take stretch breaks
and the resistance to stopping.
Do I need a timer?
Combining stretches and three breaths
Is it time for yoga again?
Walking, movement, body awareness
Image of curled up ball instead of tall open tree
Just DO IT! No commentary needed
How easily my "elephant-mind" reverts to story-telling
instead of just getting back on task
(I wonder why? I'll never get this one tackled. This has
always been a problem for me. I'm too old to
really change this. And does it really matter in the long run?)
WOW! Here we go again. The elephant is in charge.
Just DO IT!!
When I am aligned physically, I am more likely
to be aligned in thought and action.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

True Compliments

This "assignment" has made me think about the whole idea 
of giving and receiving compliments.
For me, the best compliments are those that let me know I've made
a connection of some sort...that something I did or said
touched someone else in a positive way.
"I appreciated the way you managed that group."
"What you said made me think."
It seems to be true for me that compliments including the words,
"You are so _____"
are often harder for me to receive because they put a label on me,
one that either feels contrary to who I know myself to be
or one that feeds an identity need.
Karla reminded me of my desire for connection.
So a compliment that indicates that a connection has been 
made is one that truly "connects" with me!
I haven't given one conscious compliment yet this week.
I realize my "wild elephant" takes me on all kinds of
runabouts--excursions into thought and ideas--
rather than me training the "elephant" to focus back 
on the practice of actually giving compliments.
Staying in my head is a familiar avoidance technique;
I'd rather analyze than do the practice.
And I can find all kinds of reasons why this is acceptable.
The Purpose of a Compliment:
Who is the compliment for?
Aren't I getting something out of giving a compliment?
Isn't the way a compliment is received dependent 
upon the receiver's programming?
What kind of compliment has the most potential
to be received in a positive, supportive way?
One that affirms the aspects of a
person's "being" that he/she most values,
that he/she sees as closest to his/her heart's desire.
Making Connections