Tuesday, January 29, 2013

When Eating Just Eat

Popcorn on Sunday
Snyder Deli for Monday lunch with Tenna
Chicken salad Monday dinner with TV
Tuesday chicken lunch with Rob
Seeing eating as a necessity rather than an experience
Using lunch time to catch up on conversation with Rob
Awareness that I'm shoveling it in
Not really tasting each bite
How long will I resist?
Okay, it's Wednesday morning, 
and I'll make breakfast an experience.
Set the table, sit down, eat & drink, paying attention
to temperatures, textures, tastes...
My mind still races; perhaps the caffeine from
this morning's first cup of coffee is fueling the wild elephant.
I actually feel full before all of the food is gone.
When I'm eating mindlessly, 
I keep eating until the plate/bowl is empty.
I actually felt my body saying, 
that's enough.
So I stopped.
Awareness that eating is something I do
"in the background"
of the other things I'm doing while I'm eating.
It has become the "backdrop",
not the focus.
How ungrateful is that?!
Today's lunch
But it's just noodle soup!
Again, I ate about half and was full.
If I had been reading or watching TV and eating,
I would have finished the cup, 
without any idea of whether I was full or not.
I see how easy it is to discount a meal,
especially the meals I eat alone,
rather than appreciating it for what it is...nourishment!
I think I've been mindlessly filling a hole
rather than taking in the whole experience of eating...
the sacrament of refueling my body.
  Mindful eating for two...appreciation!
Thursday morning awareness:
Drinking my coffee with breakfast keeps me
from gulping that first cup of coffee,
getting my caffeine fix,
and then ignoring breakfast because
I'm not even aware I need/want it.
Caffeine appears to override
the normal hunger response in the morning.
New practice:
Coffee accompanied by food
Thursday dinner:
Mindless eating with a 3-year-old...
at least we're at the table!
By putting more thought into shopping for,
preparing, and presenting food,
I find I am approaching the eating more mindfully.
I am not eating as much as I do when I just throw
the food on a plate and hunker down to
watch TV or read.
And I feel much more satisfied!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Appreciate Your Hands

Just there...waiting to serve, without being asked.
Reflexively going into service mode,
knowing exactly what to do in the moment...
They do nothing in the past or in the future;
they simply can't!
I put lotion out on kitchen cabinet...in appreciation.
Working and Waiting
Just because one hand is not being used 
does not mean it is not useful.
There is a very natural flow to being useful
and then resting...usefulness...rest.
The rhythm of nature.
What a dance!!
Right Hand did most of the "work", but Left Hand
jumped in at just the right time, without even being asked.
Right Hand scrubbed the sink, but Left Hand adjusted the water,
rearranged items around the sink, 
and pushed up my sleeves when needed.
Totally choreographed WITHOUT my assistance.
Neither hand was more important; it was just a matter of
each one doing most naturally what it was best equipped to do.
Leading, following, directing, assisting...
Companioning? Community?

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Filler Words

My keenness for the word "perhaps";
fear of sounding bossy or "right"
Using, "I was telling _____, just the other day"
as a preface rather than just saying it 

Monday, January 7, 2013

Leave No Trace

Who cleans up "the world"?
Stayed in 3 hotels; mindful of housekeepers 
Multiple hit & run stories in the newspaper
Gratitude for those behind the scenes 
whose job it is to leave no trace

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Use Your Nondominant Hand

Brushing my teeth:
Clumsy, irritated
Tempted to change hands and just get it done,
especially when I was in a hurry
Easier when I was walking around and not
focusing on the awkwardness
Impatience (though usually unspoken) with others
"Spit it out; get it done; here, let me; I'll just do it."
Discomfort with inefficiency