Mindfulness is "waking up to our life as it actually is,
not the fantasy we often live out in our mind."
You are invited to join us in January as we begin simple weekly "Mindfulness Practices for Living Life More Fully & Joyfully", using Jan Chozen Bays, MD, book How to Train a Wild Elephant as our source-guide. We will plan to meet as a group after the third Sunday potluck each month to share what we've learned in the preceding weeks.
As Dr. Bays encourages,
"It's important to take our 'failures' lightly. Each person has different experiences,
insights, and funny stories to tell about his or her attempts--
and failures--to do these exercises."
insights, and funny stories to tell about his or her attempts--
and failures--to do these exercises."
The operative word here is "attempts", as exploration,
rather than mastery, is our goal.
Books are available at Barnes & Noble or on Amazon. Our first mindfulness practice group meeting will be after the potluck on Sunday, January 20th. We will focus on our experiences with the first three chapters: "Use Your Nondominant Hand", "Leave No Trace", and "Filler Words".
Looking forward!
Sarah Mulkey